Blog design | This is why you need it!

Written by Celine Klooster

februari 5, 2017

A while ago I have changed my blog design and I wanted to talk about that. I think it is always really important that I can read a blog post, without me getting distracted. Sometimes I see blogs which have a really busy background and where you can barely read a post. For this, I want to give a couple of nice tips.

Blog design

When you have a clean, but also beautiful layout, then other people read your post faster. There are a lot of people who can see through the busy layout, but there are also enough people who click the blog away when they see a really busy layout. That would be a shame for your blog post which you have written. Sometimes I see amazing blog posts, but because of the busy layout, I just get distracted.

When you use a lot of pictures or a lot of colors for example, then you get a really busy layout. I thought it was amazing to have a lot of plugins and especially a lot of widgets in my sidebar. It is a pretty bad plan to do this and I lately came across that. Using a lot of colors isn’t also the best plan. Earlier I always used a lot of colors and I always thought this was a really good fit. Well, you can already guess it, it was just a really big rainbow.

I don’t say that you are not allowed to use many colors and many widgets of course. Sometimes it looks really beautiful of course. I am always a supporter of your own choice and your own opinion, so if you want a busy layout, then you just need to do it!

Blog design

An own layout

I have always tried to make my own layout. I always ended up with way too many colors and way too many widgets. In December 2016 I decided to buy my own theme. This was totally my taste and I didn’t have to do much for it. You can install the theme very easily and it has exactly enough color, but also enough white.
I have bought this theme on Etsy, but there are also more options. I know that you can buy beautiful themes on Creative Market en ThemeForest. There are also a lot of free themes you can get. For the free themes, you need to blog on  Sometimes I see really beautiful themes between these free themes and then I really understand why you would choose for a free theme.
What do you use as a blog design? A paid theme or a free theme?  


I am Celine. Enthusiastic, passionated, and a bit perfectionistic, but I especially love blogging. I love to share my blogging and social media tips and to help other people. Go to my about me page to get to know me.
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