Are you changing your blog? A whole time, I thought about this. Am I changing my blog? 2017, a new year, a busy year, but also with a lot of change. The last time I don’t have much inspiration. I wanted to do something else with my blog, but I don’t know what exactly. That’s why I put this all on one row.
Changing your blog
I was thinking about how my blog was doing the last time. I noticed which articles didn’t go that well and where I didn’t put much pleasure out. I immediately thought of the interviews for bloggers. Although this blog interview is really nice for other bloggers, I didn’t put any pleasure out of these interviews. It is really important to have fun, right? Instead of me posting an article which I don’t want to put online. A while ago, I’ve sent a message in the group ‘bloggers gezocht’ (a Dutch Facebook group). I first planned on posting every first Sunday of the month an article about blogging by bloggers. I didn’t have many comments on this idea, actually just one nice one. I asked the guest blogger (which I am going to reveal later 😉 ) if she wanted to be a guest blogger every single month. Fortunately, I got a yes and I was so excited about this. Meanwhile, I got in contact with her again and everything goes well. So is changing your blog still a good plan?
A personal website
For a long time, I’ve bought the website, but I didn’t do anything with this. It sounded like a nice idea to put some personal updates on this website, but especially pictures. Think about blog pictures, but also pictures of nature etc. I also thought I could post some updates of my new books. How I am going to do this, I don’t know yet. I still need to figure out how I am going to let this work out and ideas are always welcome of course.
Of course, I will still blog on this blog. I will (as always) post a beauty article on Monday and Wednesday, on Friday a personal article and on Sunday a blog article. This will continue as always.
Must read: Common mistakes bloggers make
I also start in 2017 with two books, where you probably heard about earlier. I will post on this blog or on my (future) personal website, updates of my chapters. I am super excited about this and I have enough to do again. Sometimes I feel like I have way too much to do, but I will see that later.
Are you changing your blog as well?
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