Earning money with blog | The 10 methods

Written by Celine Klooster

december 2, 2018

Earning money with a blog… That’s easier said than done. How does this work exactly and what are the methods to earn money with your blog? You read that in this blog! 

Earning money with your blog

Earning money with a blog is a very nice way to earn some extra money. You have a lot of different ways for this and these are very easy and nice ways.


To earn money with an advertorial, your blog must exist for a while. An advertorial is actually a blog post that is entirely dedicated to one company. For example an advertorial about a certain clothing store that tells what this clothing store offers and why the clothing store is so great. With an advertorial, you are usually approached by the company.

Earning money with blog


You have two types of ads. You have Google Adsense, which places banners automatically on your blog (you don’t get paid much for that tho). Also, programs like ShareASale exist. This is an affiliate program where you can sign up for different companies. These companies usually offer a commission per click. This means that you are paid per click (usually around 0.20 – 1 euro). This is not much, but of course, it can be quite high if a lot of people click on it. I use banners from various companies I have signed up for (I totally stand behind this company of course!).

Affiliate Links

This is one of my biggest incomes for my blogs. Affiliate links are links where people click on and if they then buy something via that link, you get a small commission for that. For every niche, you have affiliate links. Just make sure you completely stand behind these affiliate links. It doesn’t make sense to place affiliate links if you don’t support these links.

More articles about affiliate links: 


For reviews you usually receive products. Most bloggers have a budget for this. If the value of the product is below your budget, then you can ask for an extra fee. It depends on how many visitors you have and what your budget is.

Giving courses

You can give courses offline, but you can also do this online. You can use programs like Teachable, a program to make online courses very easily. This is definitely on my to-do list for next year!

Must read: Earning money online | This is how you do that!

Een subscription/membership

What about making a paid membership area? This is, of course, a very good way of earning money with your blog. Just make sure that you already have a reasonable fanbase, otherwise, it will probably not work.

Earning money with blog


I have been working on an e-book for a while. I will not tell you anything about that yet tho ;). It is a really nice way to make a little money and also to inform your readers about various issues. You don’t need a lot of things for an e-book either. You can even create an e-book in Word!

Lectures / Webinars

A very good way to earn money is to do lectures. Giving lectures in your environment is a good way to earn money. You give a (free) lecture and then you send the people who attend your lecture to your blog. If you have put your blog well together, with banners and affiliate links, you can earn money with your blog. You can of course also ask money for these lectures. You can also make paid webinars.

Organizing events

How nice is it to organize an event? What about a blogger event for which you ask a small contribution? Personally I won’t ask for a contribution, but of course, this is a very good way to earn some money! You can also organize an event with lectures for which you then request an admission fee.

Paid newsletter

Yes, a paid newsletter really exists! In this paid newsletter you can give your readers access to exclusive content. How about, for example, printables, extra articles or more tips. This is all possible! I only use a free newsletter for my readers, but a paid newsletter is also a very good way to make money!

Must read: An automatic newsletter for your blog

Which methods are you using for earning money with your blog? 

Are you the looking for ways to earn money with your blog or do you want to make money with your blog? Then you should read this article. In this article I will give tips and tricks on how to earn money online. In this blogging tips blog tips I will give the best tips for beginners. For Business | Travel | Writing | Blogger | Social Media | For Teens | Tumblr | Lifestyle | Successful | #bloggingtips #bloggingforbeginners #startablog


I am Celine. Enthusiastic, passionated, and a bit perfectionistic, but I especially love blogging. I love to share my blogging and social media tips and to help other people. Go to my about me page to get to know me.
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