Free SEO Tools to grow your blog traffic

Written by Celine Klooster

augustus 4, 2019

SEO is a very important part of your blog and therefore it is important to use the right SEO tools. Currently, there are thousands of SEO tools on the internet and not all of them are equally good of course. That is why I have made a list of the best free SEO tools on the internet.

Yoast SEO Plugin

Free SEO Tools

Yoast SEO is a plugin every blogger knows, but you can’t miss this plugin of course. With this plugin, you can arrange all the SEO of your blog. For example, you can add different keywords and then this plugin gives you suggestions on how to improve your blog post.

Long Tail Pro

Long Tail Pro

Long Tail Pro shows keywords on which your website can rank. It is a paid tool, but you can use the seven-day free trial to search for these keywords. Longer keywords rank higher in Google and therefore it is important to use longer keywords.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a very handy tool, but not many people use it. This SEO tool gives information about different pages, links, keywords and it also informs you when there is an error on your website.

I especially use Google Search Console to see which keywords rank on Google. In Search Console, go to presentations > queries.

Next, you will see a list with lots of keywords.

Free SEO Tools > Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Don’t use anything else than Google Analytics. With GA you can easily view your visitors, page views, search terms, links and more. The most important thing about GA is that you can see where your visitors come from, so that you can use those social media more. This way I get a lot of visitors from Pinterest and I am busy every day to increase this type of traffic.

You can also find out how long people stay on your blog and whether they go to another page. You can also improve this, for example, by adding more links to your blog posts.

Companies also find this tool very important, because they can then get a good overview of the amount of visitors that your blog has.

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Free SEO tools > MozBar


MozBar is a tool with which you can easily view the PA and DA (see this blog post) of your blog. This is the most reliable tool for this and therefore it is definitely recommended to use it.

Free SEO toolsFree SEO tools

You can also use this tool to analyze the rest of your page, such as the title, H1, H2, H3 headers, alt tags, the meta description and more.

It is also a nice tool to look at the top pages and links of your competition, for this you go to settings > links explorer.

Ahrefs Backlink Checker

Free SEO tools

This is the tool that you can use to analyze your backlinks. In this tool you can place the link of your competition and then see where they get backlinks from. Definitely recommended to get more backlinks.

Google Trends

Free SEO tools

Google Trends is one of the best SEO tools on the internet, but not many people use this tool yet. This tool shows data and different trends of different keywords. This way you can see where and when the trend goes up and when not. With this tool you can, for example, respond to trends by writing articles about those trends as they rise.

SEO Quake

Free SEO tools

SEO Quake is a Chrome extension that shows a number of different things, such as the domain score, trust score, Alexa rank, visitor numbers and backlinks. This tool actually works a bit the same as MozBar, but this tool gives just a little more information, such as the number of visitors or when the website was created. A handy tool to combine with MozBar!

Free SEO tools > Keyword Everywhere

Keyword everywhere

This is also a Chrome extension with which you can easily get more information about keywords. For example, you get the number of times the keyword has been searched, the competition and more. See the screenshot above for all options.

Which free SEO tools are you definitely going to use?



I am Celine. Enthusiastic, passionated, and a bit perfectionistic, but I especially love blogging. I love to share my blogging and social media tips and to help other people. Go to my about me page to get to know me.
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  1. Mary Jane Estacio

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