Today a nice overview from a couple of my blog articles. A really important aspect of blogging is promoting a blog. I wrote a couple of articles about this. It is really important of course that you promote your blog, but you have to do this in the right way. Today I tell you the best times to promote your blog, the best social media sites (also sites where you probably didn’t know about!) and also the best solution to get more visitors.
Promoting a blog
How to increase your blog traffic with Bloglovin + free printable
With every article, you get a free printable of course. Soon I will make a page with all my printables on one row. I think that many bloggers know Bloglovin, but they don’t use this site in the right way. Bloglovin steals your content and that is not the meaning of course. How and why you can solve this, I tell that in this article.
How to increase your blog traffic with planning
Planning. A really important thing to do and especially to promote your blog. When you blog in the right way, then you get some spare time and then you can promote your blog of course. In this article, I tell you what the best times to plan are. You can plan in Facebook posts, but also other posts on social media and when you plan these posts on the right times then you get the best results. I also tell you the perfect plugin to plan your blog posts. Do you want to promote your articles on the best way? Then you really need to read this article.
Do I get free stuff for my blog?
This article was a bit of an experiment for me. I wanted to know how many people with the intention to get free stuff, would click on this article. I got a comment (a really sweet one!) how she could get some products to promote for companies. To be honest, it is and stays really nice to promote these products. In this article, I tell you why these products aren’t free. I work really hard for this and I just earned this.
Eight ways to promote your blog
As for last, I tell you eight ways to promote your blog. Since I used these way, I grew a lot with traffic. This is really a habit of me and I see a really gigantic grow. In this article, I tell you some ways which aren’t known among the other bloggers, but also ways which are known. Also, I have made a social media checklist for you. This one is just free and you can download this one via Dropbox!
Don’t you forget to download all the free printables? When you read all these articles then you know for sure that your blog will grow ;). Have fun reading!
Promoting a blog .. How do you do that?
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