Promoting your blog in 2019 is very difficult. There are so many different blogs on the internet and it is difficult to distinguish yourself well. In this blog post, I show you the best ways of promoting your blog quickly and effectively in 2019.
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Promoting your blog in 2019
In 2018 I learned that it is very important to focus on just a few social media platforms. This is why I focus on Instagram and Pinterest. I use Pinterest for both my blogs and I only use Instagram for The Beautyboulevard. I, therefore, recommend focussing on just a few platforms. I am going to mention a lot of different things to promote your blog in 2019, but of course, it is not smart to focus on all platforms.
Think especially about which platform best suits your blog. Do you have many followers who are on Facebook? Or do you have a target group that is almost exclusively on Instagram? Focus only on those social media platforms.
Reddit is a platform that is actually quite unknown. In the past, I used this platform very often and that’s why my visitor numbers really went up. In 2019 I will make a social media plan and certainly include Reddit in it. I want to start again with this social media platform because it helped me a lot in the past.
Want to read more about Reddit for promoting your blog in 2019? Then definitely read this blog: Promoting your blog with Reddit
I think everyone knows Facebook. This social media platform can actually be used in three different ways. First, you can create a Facebook page. This is, of course, is a very easy way to promote your blog. This way people can like your Facebook page to keep up to date with all your recent blog posts.
A second way for promoting your blog on Facebook in 2019 is through Facebook groups. On Facebook, you have a lot of different Facebook groups and in these groups, you can promote your blog. I must say that this is not always effective. It just depends on your blog niche. For example, promoting on Facebook for The Blog Boss is quite effective, because I can place posts from this blog in different Facebook groups with a lot of bloggers. These bloggers are always interested in my posts because of course, they all have a blog.
Pin for later
For The Beautyboulevard, my other blog, this is less effective, because not many Facebook groups are fully about beauty and fashion. Of course, I can create my own Facebook group, but that means a lot more work. I have my own Facebook group called Bloggers, support your colleague bloggers and I try to be as active as possible in this Facebook group. This group is made for The Blog Boss and there are only bloggers in this group.
Must read: Facebook groups to promote your blog
Finally, you can also sign up for a Facebook community. This is actually the same as a Facebook group, but in these groups, you can’t just share your posts. My group is actually a kind of Facebook community because people can’t just share posts that aren’t about blogging. In addition, I also rate these blogs on quality.
In such a Facebook community you are actually networking with other bloggers. This way you will meet new bloggers and you will also gain name recognition indirectly. Of course, this community isn’t meant to promote your blog posts, but that way you meet other bloggers so that you can grow together.
Twitter can mainly be used for networking. Of course, you can also use Twitter to promote your blogs, but experience shows that this isn’t very effective. This is the reason why you better not waste your time on Twitter because there are certainly other social media platforms that can get more out of your blog.
Of course, I don’t say that Twitter doesn’t have to work for you, there are of course bloggers who get a lot of their blog traffic from Twitter.
If you don’t know Instagram yet, you have really lived under a rock. Through Instagram, I don’t get visitors directly to my blog, but I use this social media platform regularly for my beauty and fashion blog. From 10k followers, you get a swipe function in your stories so you can refer people directly to your blog posts. I feel that this can help a lot, so once you reach those 10k followers, you can really use Instagram intensively.
I now use Instagram mainly to share photos for more brand awareness and for collaborations with companies. Companies find Instagram very valuable and this is one of the reasons why you should use Instagram. Instagram really doesn’t have to cost much time. I even use a program to schedule my posts for free and publish them automatically.
Must read: Free(!) Auto Posting Instagram Posts
Pinterest is really a must for all bloggers. Pinterest is my number one traffic generator and I don’t have to do much for that. For Pinterest, I use Tailwind. This is a great program that automatically publishes my scheduled pins. I get more than 70% of my visitors from Pinterest. Definitely a recommendation.
Want to promote your blog in 2019 with Pinterest? Then check out these articles:
- Increase your blog traffic with Tailwind tribes
- My blog traffic via Pinterest after three months
- Handy Tailwind tools to let your blog grow!
- Your blog on auto-pilot with Tailwind!
- Amazing tips to improve your Pinterest game
- Increase your blog traffic with Pinterest
Yes yes, Bloglovin still exists. Lately, I notice that I get a lot of visitors from Bloglovin, without having to do anything for it. It is still useful to get some extra visitors without having to really promote your blog.
Email marketing
Email marketing is also a must for bloggers. With email marketing, you can reach your biggest fans. For example, I regularly send emails with freebies, so that my readers can grow more. You can also use email marketing to promote your blog by sharing your latest blog posts. Would you like to start with email marketing? Definitely take a look at Mailchimp. With this program, you can set up your email for free and gather a lot of subscribers. Are you a bit further with email marketing? Then I definitely recommend Convertkit.
SEO is a very important source for your blog traffic. When you optimize your blog, you can get a lot of extra visitors. For this, I use the Yoast SEO plugin. A free plugin that ensures that you can easily optimize your blog posts. So it is definitely recommended to take a look at your old blog posts to check for SEO.
Which social media platforms will you definitely use for promoting your blog in 2019?
Nice post Celine , i really enjoyed reading your post and i learned so much from it . i was searching for a platform to schedule my pins on it and i found it here . thank you so much .
keep up
From My life’s journey blog |
Thanks a lot! Love to hear that! 🙂
Thanks for sharing! I can’t wait for my Instagram to hit 10k so I can maximinze their swipe up feature. It seems like such an easy way to get followers to engage with blogs.
I can’t wait to reach 10k as well!
Thanks so much
I am currently focusing on Pinterest as I just started using tailwind and I can see the difference very clearly. Its been great for my traffic so far.
Tailwind and Pinterest are great indeed!
Thank you for the advice, I love how you take full advantage of all the different platforms to market online. I’m hoping to expand my own marketing techniques pretty soon!
Thankyou so much!
Lovely post. So informative for a new blogger like me. Thank you ??
Thanks Sarah!
Quora like Reddit is a great platform to promote your blog. Great Post ?
Good to know, thanks!