door Celine Klooster | jul 25, 2020 | Blogging, Improve your blog
When I wrote my new blog posts after updating my plugins, I actually stumbled across something. Yoast has a new option; you can now tell Google if you are using a sponsored link or not. Very handy of course, because now Google knows what to do with your link. But how...
door Celine Klooster | sep 8, 2019 | Blogging, Improve your blog
SEO is an important part of your blog and you must therefore ensure that your SEO is as good as possible. I often see bloggers make mistakes that you can actually prevent very easily. Today I write about the most common SEO mistakes that lower your Google ranking....
door Celine Klooster | aug 4, 2019 | Blogging, Improve your blog
SEO is a very important part of your blog and therefore it is important to use the right SEO tools. Currently, there are thousands of SEO tools on the internet and not all of them are equally good of course. That is why I have made a list of the best free SEO tools on...