Free. Do I hear free? Tailwind tribes are totally free and amazing to use. To use Tailwind Tribes, you need to have Pinterest of course. Pinterest is really amazing and you can increase your blog traffic a lot. Today I will explain to you how Tailwind tribes work and how you can increase your blog traffic with this.
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Tailwind tribes
Around 200 unique visitors a day from only Pinterest. Everyone wants that right? I need to admit that doesn’t happen to me every day, but it happened to me a couple of times, while I only use Tailwind tribes and Tailwind for around two months. I don’t have to be on Facebook all day to promote my blog posts and everything goes automatically. If I don’t have time, then I don’t have to worry about that nothing gets promoted. That is ideal when I go on holiday!
If you sign up for Tailwind tribes, then you need to repin one pin for every pin you place in the tribe. If you place a pin in this tribe, then you have a bigger chance to get your pin repinned. In a Tailwind tribe, I have a reach of 520.000 people, because a lot of people repin my pins. You also get a lot of visitors from these Tailwind tribes. Every day I get around 40 unique visitors from these Tailwind tribes and most of the time more.
Own tribes
Of course, I also made my own tribes. *Pin your blogs*is for all bloggers and Beauty bloggers tribe is for all beauty bloggers. Besides that, I also made a tribe for Dutch bloggers, but that is not interesting for English bloggers ;).
Want to read more about Pinterest?
- Increase your blog traffic with Pinterest
- More tips to increase your blog traffic with Pinterest
- Your blog on auto-pilot with Tailwind!
- Handy Tailwind tools to grow your blog
If you use this link then you will get a $15 discount and that is actually a month free. If you are smart you first finish your free trial and then get a free month of Tailwind to test it. This is an affiliate link, so I get a little amount of Tailwind money.
Have you already signed up for Tailwind tribes?
Tailwind is where it’s at! I use it too, and it made quite a difference in my blog traffic! We should all share this info, so we can help each other! 🙂
xo Chelsea
Thanks a lot for your comment x
Tailwind is awesome! Definitely a great way to make sure that you don’t lose any progress when you go on vacation!
I love Tailwind as well!
Great tips. I also do join groups for social media engagement
Thanks, love to hear that!
I started to use Tailwind but the Tribes don’t do anything for me. I find it hard to find good fashion related tribes. Many times when you apply you never hear back. Those fashion and blogger tribes I managed to join don’t convert well, if at all.
I think Tailwind’s cool bit Tribes for my niche are useless.
Ah that’s sad. I am a fashion blogger as well and for me, they work very well!
I’m a beauty/makeup blogger, so I find it hard to find Tailwind tribes that relate to my niche. Still, Tailwind can be very useful. Thanks for the post!
I am a beauty/makeup blogger as well and yes, it is way harder to find good tribes.. The tribes stated in this article are pretty good tho!