Difference between click and lead | Affiliate Marketing

Written by Celine Klooster

december 9, 2018

Yes! You think. 1 euro per lead! Well, that is pretty nice, you think… Someone clicks on my link and I get 1 euro… So if fifty people click on my link then I have 50 euros together! Well, unfortunately, that isn’t the case. There is a clear difference between click and lead. Curious about the difference between click and lead? That is what I explain in this blog!

What is a click?

A click is actually very easy to explain. A click is when someone clicks on the link of your website and doesn’t take any further action. He or she only looks at the website of the advertiser and then leaves the website again.

What is a lead?

A lead is an application for more information about a product or service. This means that a visitor clicks through to the website of the advertiser you are connected to and then does something on that website. For example, subscribe to a newsletter, request a prize or something that show that the visitor might be a potential customer. Usually, the affiliate program shows what they mean with a lead. For example, I am registered with an advertiser who sees a lead as registering for a newsletter. For that, I get a certain amount of money. However, if the visitor only clicks on the link, this is not seen as a lead.

Difference between click and lead

What is a sale?

A sale means that the potential customer changes into a customer. The visitor then actually buys something. For this, you get a fixed percentage on the purchase price. Some affiliate programs have very low commissions, but others are a bit higher. At ShareASale, this percentage is pretty high (but that also depends on the merchant).

Must read: Ultimate Bundles Affiliate | Why do you need to sign up?

So.. What is the difference between click and lead?

A click is when people click on an affiliate link. However, they only view the website but don’t perform an action. A lead means that people really perform an action. For example, signing up a newsletter or something else. This lead differs a bit per merchant. Sometimes, of course, you get nothing for a lead, but others pay for a lead. So I advise you to inform the merchant what they see as a lead. Some want the visitor to sign up for a newsletter and others want something else.

Is the difference between click and lead clear?

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Do you want to know the difference between click and lead? You should definitely know this difference! Well I will tell you about that in this article. Affiliate links are my main income and YOU can definitely make it your main income too! These links are great for new bloggers, you can use it on Pinterest and in this article I will tell you all the ins and outs. Disclosure | Website | Marketers | Ads | Quotes | Instagram | Sale | Become An | Traffic #blogging #bloggingtips #Bloggingadvice


I am Celine. Enthusiastic, passionated, and a bit perfectionistic, but I especially love blogging. I love to share my blogging and social media tips and to help other people. Go to my about me page to get to know me.
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