Time Management | Increase your blog traffic! + Printable

Written by Celine Klooster

september 11, 2016

Time management. Not really the favorite thing to do for some bloggers. Some bloggers (like me!) can’t live without planning. There are actually a lot of advantages to planning and actually no disadvantages. You can also increase your blog traffic to just plan. Think about planning your social media posts and planning your blog posts. With my free printables and my tips, you will really see results.

Time management

Maybe you’ve heard of this and maybe not. On social media, but also on your blog you have special times to post your blog posts.

  • Did you know that your Facebook posts reach 30% of your readers after 10 minutes? We want to prevent this of course because we want as many visitors as possible. The best time to post on Faceboo8 PMs 8 PM for the most likes. For the most shares, the best time to post on Facebook is 6 PM.
  • A perfect time to post on Instagram doesn’t really exist. The perfect time to post on Instagram is between 8 AM and 11 PM, almost the whole day. The best day to post is Wednesday.
  • For Twitter, the best time to post is between 1 PM and 3 PM.
  • For Pinterest between 2 PM and 4 PM and between 8 PM and 1 AM.
  • The best time to post your blog posts is in the morning. I always post my blog posts at 8 AM. Then I’m awake and can I do the first part of my promote session. The best time to post a blog post is between 6 AM and 9 AM. Your blog posts can get traffic the whole day then.

Best plugin to schedule your blog posts

I know it. On the right, you have an option to plan your blog posts. Really handy of course, but I miss something. With Editorial Calendar you can plan your blog posts in a super easy way. You can swipe your blog post concepts to a certain date and also have a nice annual statement.  I often don’t know when I planned the blog post and then I need to go all the way to the planned blog posts tab to look when I can plan my blog post. With this plugin, you have an easy annual statement and you can plan your blog posts via this plugin. Really handy of course. This plugin doesn’t only give an annual schedule, but also let you post blogs frequently and that gives a lot of advantages where I will tell more later. In my case, I become really enthusiastic about all the blog posts which are already planned and I only want to write more. This plugin motives also ;).

Must read: WordPress plugins | You really need these!

Time Management

Advantages of time management

Okay, nice that I talk about the ways how you can plan and which times are the best, but what are the advantages of this? Because you plan, visitors know what they can expect. I blog, for example, four times a week.  First of all it really pushes me to write a blog post and second, my visitors know what they can expect. For example, when you blog on the holidays every day and after the holidays you don’t blog anymore, then your visitors don’t get it. People are creatures of habit and if you want stable blog traffic and the same visitors, then you need to blog frequently. As I already said, time management really makes me write a blog post. It really becomes way more fun (for me!), because it really feels like you need to reach a goal. When I have more time, then I make a couple of blog posts, so my blog traffic stays stable. I never miss an article and if you know me for real, then you know I have never missed an article (well almost!).

I give as the only tip, don’t over the post (not even a word!). Don’t think, “Oh no, I need to post a blog tomorrow, let me make one fast”. It’s useless to put a lot of effort in a blog article, but still don’t get a bit of traffic.


As I wrote in the article on Friday, with every blog article you will get a printable. This is my first blog article and that’s why you get two free printables today! With this, you can perfectly plan and never miss a blog article. You can fold this planner and put on your agenda or just hang it on the wall, as I did.


As you (probably) can see in the picture above, this planner is available in grey and purple. The purple one is the color of my blog and the grey one is made for the men.

Here you can download the big vertical purple blog planner (left) and here the grey one.

I’ve also made a smaller blog planner with bigger spaces to leave notes. Click here for the purple one and here for the grey one.

Just a couple of little tips for downloading the planner via Dropbox. In the right corner, you can see a button to download the blog planners in pdf. When you press the button, they first get a bit smaller so you can see them better. You can also print them out there. It can take a while before you see the blog planner. You first see a white page, but the blog planner loads pretty fast. Have fun with it!

I would like to hear from you what you think of this article and the printable. Do you have a favorite color which you want a printable of? Then I would love to hear that. Just leave a comment, then I change the color for you.

Do you increase your blog traffic with time management?


I am Celine. Enthusiastic, passionated, and a bit perfectionistic, but I especially love blogging. I love to share my blogging and social media tips and to help other people. Go to my about me page to get to know me.
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