SEO and traffic | Improve it with these methods!

Written by Celine Klooster

mei 28, 2017

SEO is a thing which your website just needs. A website can’t live without SEO and you have to improve this as much as you can. So, how can you improve this? This guide will help you with this!

Use search console

Not using search console is a huge mistake. Search console makes sure you tell Google which posts are on your website. Also, Google will be the first one who knows that there is something new on your website. Besides that, search console tells you when there are faults on your website. As for last, it gives you a lot of information which helps you to improve your website.

Yoast Seo

Some people probably have a “duh” moment. Still, there are people out there who don’t use Yoast Seo. Yoast Seo is really a must and you can simply install this plugin on your website for free! Unfortunately, it is not possible to install this plugin on a or a Blogspot website and that’s why I recommend you to switch to Yoast Seo makes a sitemap.XML, what is really a must for your SEO. Also adding keywords to your blog post is also really a must.


Keywords are really a must. Although I will honestly say that I haven’t done much with this. I forget it frequently (actually every time) to add a meta description and my images were also pretty bad. Most of the time the things I needed to fill in were just empty. Now I have installed the plugin Seo Optimized Images. This plugin adds automatic alt tags to your images. So for the lazy persons (Hi!), install this plugin. Also, you can use keywords in your title. I prefer not doing this because I love natural titles. Otherwise, it is just so ugly. You can change your title in the Yoast plugin with keywords. This way your posts appear higher in the search engines.

Must read: Google Analytics | Why do you need this?

Use H2 tags

H2 tags? What are those? H2 tags are heading which you can see above.  Before I always used H4 tags, but now I know Google loves H2 tags, so I only use H2 tags now. Google first searches to your H1 tag, that is your title. Then to your H2 tags, then to you H3, etc.. It is super important to use H2 tags because Google searches to this.


Use a meta description

This is the number one fault I have made. I never used meta description, because I thought this was bad for my multi-language website. But of course, it isn’t! In the meta description, I add keywords and Yoast Seo gives you tips on how you can fill this meta description the best. It is handy to use 160 words max and you also need to add a couple of keywords to your meta description.

Must read: Google Analytics terms | You need to know these!

I can talk about SEO for hours, but I think you will fall asleep then. In a couple of weeks, I will publicize a second amazing SEO article, with more tips and handy sites.

How do you improve your SEO?


I am Celine. Enthusiastic, passionated, and a bit perfectionistic, but I especially love blogging. I love to share my blogging and social media tips and to help other people. Go to my about me page to get to know me.
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